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The 8th China International "Internet +" College Student Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition mobilization meeting and guidance lecture of the College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering came to a successful end


In order to promote the reform of entrepreneurship and innovation education in colleges and universities, stimulate the enthusiasm of college students for scientific and technological innovation, and accelerate the training of entrepreneurial and innovative talents, on the evening of May 15, 2022, the 8th China International "Internet +" Entrepreneurship and Innovation Competition for College Students (hereinafter referred to as "Internet +" Competition) mobilization meeting and guidance lecture of the College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering was held in Room 301, Building 3. In recent years, our college has paid special attention to the cultivation of college students' entrepreneurial and innovative ability, actively carried out science and technology innovation publicity conference, and encouraged students to actively participate in innovative projects such as the "Internet +" competition, demonstrating the spirit of contemporary youth to climb the scientific and technological peak and dare to think and fight, and created a new force of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation".

In the warm applause of the students, this "Internet +" competition mobilization meeting and counseling lecture came to a successful end.

In recent years, our college has paid special attention to the cultivation of college students' entrepreneurial and innovative ability, actively carried out science and technology innovation publicity conference, and encouraged students to actively participate in innovative projects such as the "Internet +" competition, demonstrating the spirit of contemporary youth to climb the scientific and technological peak and dare to think and fight, and created a new force of "mass entrepreneurship and innovation".