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Our hospital participated in the 10th Committee of the CPC Guangxi University laboratory safety management special inspection feedback meeting


On July 11, the school Party Committee held a feedback meeting on the 10th Committee of the CPC Guangxi University Laboratory safety Management special inspection. The Standing Committee of the University Party Committee, Vice President Ning Xuchu, the sixth inspection group of the University Party Committee Li Gaonan attended the meeting, and members of the leadership team of our hospital attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Li Gaonan, head of the sixth inspection group, summarized the inspection situation of the four colleges inspected and pointed out the main problems that still exist.

After listening to the relevant reports, the Standing Committee of the school Party Committee, vice president Ning Xuchu on behalf of the school Party Committee conveyed the 4 work requirements of the special meeting of the secretary of the school Party Committee to hear the report of the special inspection of laboratory safety management.

The Party committee of our hospital attaches great importance to the problems found by the school party committee inspection, accepts the problems found by the inspection in full, sincerely accepts the feedback of the inspection, effectively improves the political position, and rigorously and practically corrects the problems of the inspection feedback. Take the inspection and rectification as an opportunity to dig deep into the root cause of the problem, implement the division of labor for rectification, strengthen responsibility, effectively establish the safety concept, build a long-term mechanism for laboratory safety management, enhance the laboratory safety management ability, and promote the high-quality laboratory safety management of our hospital.