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Professor Yan Keyou from South China University of Technology was invited to give an academic report in our institute


On July 11, Professor Yan Keyou of South China University of Technology, at the invitation of our college, gave a wonderful academic report on the topic of "New Generation of Optoelectronic materials and Applications" in the lecture hall of Calcium Carbonate in Building 1 of our College. Professor Pang Qi of our college presided over the lecture, and nearly 100 teachers and students attended the meeting.

At the presentation, Professor Yan Keyou explained in detail the research frontiers of the new generation of photoelectric materials and their applications. The application of perovskite in optoelectronic devices and other related work of their team are introduced, and it is proposed that stable perovskite films can be prepared by intermediate chemical technology, and small molecules can be passivated to improve their stability. The teachers and students of our college had an active interaction with Professor Yan Keyou at the lecture.

Professor Yan is a graduate of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and has done postdoctoral research at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. In April 2018, he joined the School of Environment and Energy of South China University of Technology. He is mainly engaged in the research of new photovoltaic materials and devices. He has published more than 60 academic papers in international journals and cited more than 4000 times.